Although I believe that practice makes perfect, I have the certification required for virtually any type of project. Please take some time to look at my qualifications, together with their literal translation and short explanation.
This certificate was issued to András Szabados, born in Budapest, Hungary, on February 23, 1968, who has completed his college studies at ELTE-TK during the semesters 1988/1989 to 1990/91, and BERZSENYI DÁNIEL COLLEGE during the semesters 1999/2000. This certificate has received the grading “good”.
This certification is a basic undergraduate degree in the English language, and has been issued after 4 years of college and a final exam.
Based on Section (3), Article 1 of MM Decree 7/1986 (June 26), as well as point b), Section (1), Article 4 of IM Decree 7/1986 (June 26), András Szabados born on February 23, 1968 in Budapest in Hungary has fulfilled the requirements of the qualification examination with a grading of “excellent” (4.8), and is hereby declared by the STATE BOARD OF TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS to be a skilled general interpreter in the languages English to Hungarian and Hungarian to English.
This certificate was issued following a 2-day examination consisting of one day of written translation followed by a verbal interpreter’s exam (both exams using both languages as the target language). The grade (4.8) indicated is on a scale of 1 to 5.
Issuing municipal office:
Mayor’s Office of the Township of Budakalász
2011 Budakalász, Petőfi tér 1.
Telephone: +3626340266
Identification number: 2/2003
Holder of the ID
Name: András Szabados
Born: Budapest, XII., February 23, 1968.
Mother’s full maiden name: Kulcsár Cecília Borbála
Permanent address: 2011 Budakalász, Zöldfa u. 2/b
Professional vocation: General interpreter
Language: English
Certification: General interpreter
This is the ID that I use to identify myself when interpreting at official events, such as in front of a court of law, when the identity of the interpreter must be verified and registered.