Hungarian translation

This is a list of some of the larger assignments performed during the year. Please note that the list is incomplete and only contains general details as similarly to all translators, I am bound by a number of NDAs limiting the scope of data that can be provided.

Translation, Proofreading, MTPE

All year roundMedical equipment and software> 74,000 words
All year roundNational infrastructure: road, rail, river> 41,000 words
All year roundClinical Trials> 22,000 words
All year roundPharmaceuticals> 18,000 words
All year roundMLM, lifestyle products> 17,000 words
AprilIT System manuals> 49,000 words
JanuaryLogistics> 23,000 words
FebruarySmart metering> 4,000 words
FebruaryFood processing equipment> 11,000 words
MarchLactation> 3,500 words
AprilPrinting technology> 3,000 words
MayRetail> 2,000 words
MayIT system> 19,000 words
JuneMuseum > 1,500 words
JulyMachining> 9,000 words
AugustLogistics> 3,000 words
SeptemberLactation> 1,000 words
OctoberLabor agreement> 2,400 words
NovemberQuestionnaire> 2,000 words


All year roundNational infrastructure: road, rail, river23 days
FebruaryWebinar1 half day
AprilAutomobile3 days
JuneGaming1 day
JuneEU 1 day
JulyMLM, lifestyle products1 half day
SeptemberHygiene products1 day
SeptemberMedical1 half day
SeptemberEuropean Investment Bank1 day
NovemberMedical equipment2 days
NovemberClinical trial1 half day
NovemberAgriculture1 half day
DecemberClinical trial1.5 days